Now that we're all settled in with the new store and APC, it's been time to focus on the production kitchen. This is the reason we built a big commercial kitchen at the new hastings store. Summer is a great time, as there is so much fresh local fruits available to us. I made about 80 liters of raspberry vinegar today using raspberries that allison picked up at a local "U-pick", and I'm in the midst of a small batch of red currant jelly that she also managed to procure. It really takes a long time for the current juice to drip through the jelly bag, but it's such a beautiful colour. I'll start tarragon vinegar later this week. We also have some salad dressings coming down the pipeline.
Au Petit Chavignol always has a feature terrine in the restaurant each night, so we get to try lots of different recipes. It's good practice, as we're working towards making terrines to sell in all of our stores. This is going to take some time to get organized, as we want to do it right. More on that later.